Saturday, May 6, 2017

One Chance to Write the Story of Your Life

One Chance to Write the Story of Your Life
by Karen Kingsbury

God has given you a finite number of pages (days) to live.
  1. Love well. We love because He first loved us. I John 4:19. A. Build up those who are difficult. B. A lifetime of kindling can set a spark. C. Thank you for never giving up on _____.
  2. Laugh often. Proverbs 17:22 A merry heart doeth good like a medicine. Slow down and laugh at yourself. Sea World story shared about falling down the sea otter stadium. Remember that laughter builds a bridge in our story with loved ones, moments of shared laughter.
  3. Look for miracles. The angel who was the police officer who prayed for Karen's father--no such person on the police force. Rod Steward walked up to her randomly and offered to take her picture with a family member. The family member realized who he was, and they caught up to Rod. He is the singer of the famous song, "Have I Told You Lately that I Love You" that Karen's dad had sung to her often as a child. It meant so much and was such a miracle gift from God.
  4. Live for Jesus Christ. Karen's brother passed away three days after accepting Christ. Sun breaks through even in Washington. Life is brighter even on the darkest pages of our lives because we have a hero in Jesus Christ and a happy ending.

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