Friday, February 20, 2015

Deception--Joyce Meyer

If I believe a lie, it's true for me. But Jesus says. "I am the way, the truth, and the life.

The Bible is the only truth that changes lives across cultures around the world.

Self deception




Christians need to live what we preach, and we will be witnesses for The Truth.

One of the lies she believed is that she was right about everything. If we are so busy judging and criticizing others, we won't hear the truth He is telling us about what needs to change in our own lives. We need to renew our minds according to the truth.

Being angry at others and worry accomplish nothing.

If you want people to like you, you need to let them have their way some of the time.

The wisdom of God is greater than all the wisdom of the world. Believe that you are created in the image of God and for His glory.

God is love. He loves us no different when we are good than when we are bad.


Do LIFE with God. It is not a one hour Sunday  morning faith. Unbelievers would be saved if it weren't for having to submit to God.

Getting to know ourselves, if we are living right before God.

If you continue I my Word, you will know the truth and it will make you free.

1 Corinthians 13

Don't shut down the enthusiasm of the new believer by telling them where the verse is found.

We must love God truly all week long.get to the point where we can sit and listen to the excitement of a new believer for half an hour over something you may already know.

Don't live or do with the wrong motive. Face truth. Then you can grow.

Her dad, mom, and aunt all needed care at the same time. She didn't want to do any of it. But it was her Responsibility before God. Be honest with God, but ask God for the grace to do what He has called us to do.

Luke 18:9-14

Be real. Want to do it right at church and at home.

Rich and poor both can be deceived by riches. Being possessed by riches can happen whenever we have them take over our heart. Be a steward and not an owner.

The red dress was new. She didn't want to give it to bless another. How can I bless Ruth Ann. 

Gemstone was worth far more than she thought. Still gave it away.

Living with God is an adventure every day.

Sin Hebrews 3:13

Sin will always cost more than you are willing to pay. Freedom to do something can become not free to escape the bondage of that thing.

The high cost of low living: Proverbs 5

Don't just live for the moment. Later is going to come. Be willing to pay the price of discipleship. Yet price of its lack is even higher.

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